If you are learning to drive in your own vehicle, then you will need to have young driver insurance which covers you as a provisional driver. You simply cannot get behind the wheel of any car without insurance. When you are learning to drive in an instructor’s car, you are covered by their policy but if you are learning in a vehicle of your own, you will need your own policy.
Provisional Coverage
Here at Lionheart Insurance we offer two young driver insurance policies which are suitable for provisional drivers. If you are learning to drive in a parent’s car then you can take out our Provisional Marmalade policy which will add coverage for you to their policy.
Alternatively, you can be insured with iKube which is a very affordable option. It does require fitting a black box to your car, which will monitor activity but, it can bring huge savings. You must follow the restrictions laid out in the policy but, they are measures which you should be adhering to as a provisional driver anyway, so you should have no problem in adhering to them if you are a sensible, average driver.